Open Conference System of FPP UNP, Annual Conference of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Business 2022

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Last modified: 2022-10-11


This research focuses on the review of the Wellness Tourism Experience of visitors to Padang Ganting Hot Springs. This study aims to describe the overview of the Wellness Tourism Experience of visitors to Padang Ganting Hot Springs. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research approach. The research population is all visitors who visit Padang Ganting Hot Springs. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with a sample of 370 respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis to obtain an overview of the frequency distribution of the data which includes the maximum and minimum values, the mean, standard deviation and of the respondents' level of achievement. Based on the results of data processing from 370 samples, the Wellness Tourism Experience variable has a percentage of 42% with a very bad category. Thus, it can be concluded that the Wellness Tourism Experience of visitors at Padang Ganting Hot Springs is still not very good. The Wellness Tourism Experience of visitors at Padang Ganting Hot Springs can be seen from four indicators, namely Educational based on the criteria results are in very bad criteria with a percentage of 51.5%, entertainment based on the results of criteria are in very bad criteria with a percentage of 52.4%, esthetics based on the criteria are in very bad criteria with a percentage of 51%, escapists based on the results of the criteria are in very bad criteria with a percentage of 52%.



Wellness Tourism Experience, Hot Springs, Visitors