Open Conference System of FPP UNP, Annual Conference of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Business 2022

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The Influence of Motivation and Work Facilities on Employee Job Satisfaction At Innside By Melia Hotel Yogyakarta
Lisa Oktavia Oktavia, Youmil Abrian

Last modified: 2022-10-11


Research on the relation of motivation of employees and job satisfaction was inspired by findings of employee complaints based on work facilities at the Innside By Melia Hotel Yogyakarta. The distribution of forms to respondents served as the primary method of data collection, while information from hotels served as the primary method of data collection for secondary data. In order to determine the sample when the entire population is employed as the sample, non-probability sampling of the saturation sampling type is used. During data collection, the validity and reliability of employee surveys were examined using SPSS 26.00 software. To determine how one or more independent factors affect the selected variable, a multiple linear regression test is used in data analysis. The analysis's results allowed for the conclusions to be made: 1. Employee job satisfaction is significantly influenced by work motivation, 2. Work facilities significantly impact job satisfaction, and 3. Employee job satisfaction is significantly influenced by both motivation and work facilities at the same


Motivation, Work Facilities and Job Satisfaction