Last modified: 2021-04-20
Banana skin and glutinous rice are agents for methods to treat facial skin. It is proven to be able to overcome various skin problems of the face since the descendants of the generations. Given that so many benefits we get from these two natural ingredients, it is combined into a beauty product produced in the form of scrubs and masks. Thus banana skin and glutinous rice were selected as the main product in the study. Banana skin contains vitamins B6 and C12. This vitamin activates enzymes and proteins in the body, in order to increase collagen and elastin of the skin, helps to brighten the skin as it is full of vitamin C, cleanses the skin from dirt, exfloit the dead skin layer and makes it brighter. While glutinous rice has active ingredients such as ceramide that works to increase collagen in the skin to provide tense and youthful skin. Both ingredients, banana skin and glutinous rice are cleaned, dried and then gridded until fine. This ingredient is combine so that it gets the appropriate texture for the production of products. A preliminary assessment of the sensory assessment of the product was carried out to review the level of the product produced. A total of 20 respondents were selected to carry out this sensory assessment. As a result of the testimonial response it was found that, the product had a positive effect on the aspect of smell, texture, color, and overall acceptance of the Banana Peel Skin Refine (2 in 1). In conclusion, this is a product that meets consumers' tastes and has a bright chance of commercialising.
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