Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 3rd ICCFBT 2020

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Hanifa Maulidia Anwar, Anni Faridah, Yasri Hasnur, Wirnelis Syarief, Astra Prima Budiarti

Last modified: 2021-04-19


Dry choux is a type of cream puff product that has a savory taste and is widely liked by the public. Dry choux uses wheat flour as the main ingredient, but wheat is still an imported ingredient. To reduce wheat imports, substitution is done with local foodstuffs namely cornflour. This research aims to analyze the quality of shape, color, aroma, texture, and taste of dry choux influence of cornflour substitution as much as 0%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. This type of research is an experiment using a complete randomized design method with three repetitions. This type of research data is primary data sourced from 5 limited panelists. Data collection techniques are performed by sharing organoleptic formats with panelists. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, if Fcount  > Ftabel then continued with Duncan's test. The results showed that the color quality and brittle texture were affected due to the substitution of cornflour. The average star shape quality value is 2.93-3.40 with a fairly star-shaped category, similar shape 3.47-3.60 with a similar category. The average quality value of brownish-yellow is 2.60-3.73 with the category of brownish-yellow. The average aroma quality is 1.07-1.87 with a less flavorful category of corn. The average value of dry texture is 4.00-4.33 with dry category, brittle texture 3.33-4.40 with fragile category and average a savory taste value of 4.20-4.40 with savory category. The best research results were obtained on cornflour substitution as much as 80%.


Substitution, Cornflour, Dry Choux


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