Open Conference System of FPP UNP, Annual Conference of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Business 2022

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Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Level in Leading Tourism Destinations Pariaman City
Doni Saputra, Kurnia Illahi Manvi

Last modified: 2022-10-11


This study aims to analyze the level of tourist satisfaction in the leading tourist destinations of Pariaman City, which is seen from the indicators of the suitability of tourists' expectations, interest in revisiting and willingness to recommend. This research is motivated by the parking fee is too expensive, the lack of cleanliness of the beach and the lack of availability of facilities, there are traders around who are forced to offer their wares to tourists. This type of descriptive research with quantitative data through survey methods were the research population, namely visitors who come to the leading tourist destinations of Pariaman City in 2021 as many as 225,551 people. The technique of determining the research sample using Random Sampling has as many as 400 visitors. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale. The data obtained were then processed with SPSS 22.00 and described into 5 categories. Based on the results of the study, the level of tourist satisfaction in the leading tourist destinations of Pariaman City can be seen; the indicator of the suitability of tourists' expectations is categorized as quite satisfied (44.5%), the indicator of interest in revisiting is categorized as quite satisfied (48%), and the indicator of willingness to recommend is categorized as quite satisfied (51.2%). The results of the Cartesian diagram research also show attributes that are in quadrant A, namely attributes 1, 9, 19. Attributes that are in quadrant B are attributes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10. Attributes that are in quadrant C are attributes 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Attributes in quadrant D are attribute 13.


Tourist Destinations, Tourist Satisfaction, Importance Performance Analysis