Conference Policies

Peer Review Process


The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should ensure that their work is original and does not use other’s works without using a proper citation. Editors are responsible to perform plagiarism checking and have the right to reject or retract manuscript indicated with plagiarized content.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Manuscipt submitted to ICCFBT must not submit to other conference or journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal/conference is considered as an unethical publishing behavior. Editors have the right to reject or retract any manuscript submitted to other conference or journal.

Review Process

The steps of the reviewing process are as follows:

  1. Authors submit its paper through conference's web page (
  2. Editors perform a preliminary review to ensure the paper is according to format, using a proper English language, and pass the plagiarism check.
  3. Editor distributes the papers to selected reviewers. Each paper will be reviewed by 2 reviewers.
  4. Reviewers review each paper based on ICCFBT guideline and send the result to Editors.
  5. Editors forward the result to corresponding author. Reviewers result is sent to author.
  6. If necessary, author should fix its paper based on the review note. Paper should not be changed more than 30% of its content.


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.



Tourism, as a major sector in the worldeconomy, has become an economic mainstayfor both developed and developing countries,including Indonesia.As globalization and urbanization advance,the migration of people is on the rise. Thenumber of international tourists visitingdestinations worldwide is increasing rapidly,and countries and cities are now competing tocapture the inbound tourists that drive theireconomies and employment. In cities aroundthe world, initiatives such as airportdevelopment and easing of visa requirementsare moving forward to attract tourists andbusiness customers.The future of Indonesia tourism now looksright on track, especially since President JokoWidodo has continued to show hiscommitment to improve the tourism sector inIndonesia. The tourism sector this year isaiming for 20 million foreign tourists.There are still many things that must beresolved immediately to reach these target.One of the key factor is the readiness ofIndonesian human resources today toembrace a disruptive era that has changed themap of business organizations throughout theworld. FACULTY OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY, UNPThe Executive Committee of ICCFBT 2019 andits fellows from various parts of the worldhave chosen Padang as the place to hold aninternational conference. The first ICCFBTconferences were held in Padang in 2018.The goal of the Academy is to further thescholarly research and professionalinvestigation of tourism. Fellows of theAcademy are elected to membership on thebasis of their scholarly achievements andcontributions to our understandings.

We invite the submission of all papers related to culinary, fashion, beauty and tourism. The topics are (but not limited to):

  • Policy on Hospitality, Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism
  • Education and Training on Hospitality, Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism
  • Management on Hospitality, Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism
  • Entrepreneurship onHospitality, Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism
  • Innovation and development on Hospitality, Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism