Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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The Impact of Foreign Food Culture Towards the Local Young Generation
Wan Ahmad Hasni Wan Zulkifali, Mohd. Shazali MD. Sharif, Mohd Hafiz Mohd Noor, Nurul Falah Hashim

Last modified: 2024-01-11


Modern eating habits have been influenced by traditional food, which represents cultural heritage. It is vital to accurately estimate population dietary intakes because they are integral parts of dietary patterns in many different countries. The present study aims to explore the Malaysian millennials traditional food consumption pattern and the impact of foreign food culture and new food trends upon it. The study utilizes a qualitative methodology based on the demographic principle, focusing on the Malaysian millennials’ generation, their consumption pattern of traditional food and influencing factor of foreign food culture and new food trends emergence in Malaysia. The research is conducted through the instrument of direct and online interviews within the Malaysian millennial community, with the intention to seek deeper understanding on how the emerging foreign food cultures and new food trends in Malaysia affects the young generation’s pattern of consuming Malaysia’s traditional food. The study is centred around a narrative analysis, which results in a deeper understanding of the influence of the two major factors in Malaysian millennials preference over traditional food in consumption. Through the interviews of the sample of the Malaysian millennial’s population, this methodology enables a thorough investigation into the traditional food perseverance and culinary heritage improvement. In addition, this study intends to provide vision on how the traditional food consumption can be elevated, through the possibility of modern adaptation of the traditional food which can be examined from the foundations that contribute to the millennial’s preference over the foreign food culture and new food trends. The research endeavour will also provide a better understanding of the Malaysian millennials’ consumptions of food, enabling a treasured contribution to a deeper study on how the traditional food could be preserved and improvised amidst the major changes in modern day of culinary world. Through this investigation, our aim is to elevate and preserve the sustainability of Malaysian traditional food, especially through the millennial generation so the culinary heritage of Malaysia could be carried on towards the future generation, avoiding the possibility of extinction of traditional food in Malaysia.


Foreign Food Culture, Food Trends, Malaysian Millennial, Consumption Pattern, Traditional Food