Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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Zuraini Mahyiddin

Last modified: 2023-10-09


Sago palm is one of the natural products that can be found on Simeulue Island where the majority of the people are farmers and fishermen. The problem lately is the production of sago flour which is decreasing, therefore the author wants to add sago flour (Metroxylon Sp) in making burger buns (Sago Burger). The purpose of this study is to analyze organoleptic characteristics, determine standard recipes, and analyze consumer preferences. This type of research was an experiment with a quantitative method, which was tested on 5 culinary lecturers as expert panelists and 30 consumer panelists with an age range of 18-25 years, the data processing technique used the one-way ANOVA test and continued with the LSD test. The organoleptic test results of expert panelists prefer sago burger (Metroxylon Sp) with the addition of 60gr (20%) of sago flour getting the highest score, with value, color 23.1, aroma 23.2, texture 22.5, and taste 23. And the results consumer preference test prefers sago burgers with the addition of 30 gr (10%) sago flour with an average value of color 3.8, aroma 4.1, texture 4, and taste 4.1. The conclusion from the organoleptic test results of the expert panelists preferred sago burgers with the addition of 60gr (20%) of sago flour. The standard sago burger recipe with the addition of 60gr (20%) sago flour is 190 grams of high protein flour, 60 grams of sago flour, 12 grams of active dry yeast, 50 grams of eggs, 30 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, 100 grams of UHT milk, 50 gr margarine, 35 gr water. While the results of the consumer preference test preferred sago burgers with the addition of 30gr (10%) of sago flour. The conclusion from the analysis of consumer data using the one-way ANOVA test is that Fcount <Ftable so that H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted because there is no significant effect of adding sago flour (Metroxylon Sp) in making sago burgers. Researchers who wish to continue this research are advised to add vegetable fat and continue research on the nutritional content of sago burgers (Metoxylon Sp).

Keywords: Consumer Preference, Recipe Standardization, Burgers, and Sago Flour (Metroxylon  Sp)