Last modified: 2023-10-11
The learning achievements achieved by female students are essentially a reflection of their learning efforts. In general, the better the learning efforts, the better the learning achievements. Of course, it cannot be separated from the factors that influence it both from within (internal factors) and from outside (external) the individual. This research aims to determine the factors that influence the learning achievement of students at SMKN 7 South Tanggerang, Department of Hair, Skin, Aesthetics. This research is a descriptive quantitative survey research. This research used primary data with 128 respondents. The data obtained was tested using factor analysis. The results of this research show that there are two new factors formed, factor 1, namely the internal factor, has a variance explained value of 14.551, health, disability, intelligence. Attention, interest, talent, motive, maturity and readiness consist of Factor 2, namely external factors with a variance explained value of 46.757 consisting of the way parents educate, relations between family members, cultural background, facilities and infrastructure, learning resources, learning media, student relations with student relations between teachers and students, school atmosphere, implementation of teaching and learning activities, student activity in society, social friends and forms of community life