Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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A Study on Practices of Traditional Javanese Food Among Young Generation of Javanese-Malay Descendants
Muhamad Arif Azrai Abdull Samat, Nurul Falah Hashim, Ahmad Esa Abdul Rahman, Noriza Ishak

Last modified: 2023-10-23


Malaysia's rich and diverse multi-ethnic community has evolved over centuries, creating a vibrant tapestry of languages, traditions, and customs, including the sub-ethnic Javanese community. The Javanese community played a pivotal role during the Malay Sultanate, fostering cultural exchange, including the presence of Javanese traditional food. Today, Malaysia is celebrated as a food paradise, with each ethnic group contributing unique flavors and cooking techniques. However, globalization poses a risk to traditional food practices. Thus, this study focuses on Javanese-Malays descendants in Selangor, highlighting the importance of preserving culinary traditions to strengthen the nation's multi-racial identity amidst modern influences. The research seeks to uncover valuable insights into the current state of traditional Javanese food practices among the Javanese-Malay community. Furthermore, this study aims to preserve Malaysia's culinary heritage, fostering a strong and cohesive multi-racial identity in the face of modern influences. The collected data from 103 participants representing the young generation of Javanese-Malay descendants in Selangor. The research objectives revealed that knowledge, food image, and experience positively influenced traditional Javanese food practices. Individuals with more knowledge and a positive perception were more likely to preserve Javanese culinary traditions, while individuals exposed to Javanese culinary practice were more inclined to partake in and continue Javanese culinary practices. Recommendations of this study include promoting cultural education involving practitioners in preserving culinary heritage. Overall, this study emphasizes the significance of conserving Malaysia's diverse culinary legacy for future generations of Malaysia's multi-ethnic community.


Traditional Javanese Food, Practice, Young Generation and Sub-Ethnic Javanese-Malay