Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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The Impact of Destination Images on Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Revisit Intention: A Case of Mumbai, India
Nurshahirah Khairul Akmal

Last modified: 2023-10-23


Destination image is a complex construct that plays a critical role in tourist decision-making, satisfaction, and revisit intention. It is influenced by a variety of factors, including both positive and negative representations, and can have a significant impact on the tourism industry. India's tourism industry is growing, but it is still struggling to meet its goals due to negative images of the country. Based on popular belief, tourists somewhat deterred of visiting certain cities in India due to the concerns on hygiene issues, overpopulated, poor infrastructure and crowded cities which in a way influence it destination images. Out many cities, Mumbai is one of them.  With such scenario, this proposes study aims to investigate the impact of destination images on tourist satisfaction and destination revisit in the context of Mumbai city, India. This study will use a quantitative approach, through survey questionnaire and data collection will done at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) among tourists who have arrived from Bombay, India. The findings of this study will provide a significant insight on the important role of destination images in influencing tourist satisfaction and destination revisit intention. Either positive or negative outcomes from this study can be used by tourism destination authority to develop strategies in catering the quality services to the international tourists which will create the level satisfaction and revisit intention.


destination image, tourist satisfaction, destination revisit, touri