Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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Development of Training Module " Learning Practically and Easily to Make Solid Soap From Natural Ingredients”
Sri Dwiyanti, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Maspiyah Maspiyah

Last modified: 2023-10-23


Human resource development can be done through education or training. Village women are important human resources that are the goal of the SDGs, namely the role of women in development. The aim of this research is to developsolid soap training module based on local potential to improve the skills and creativity of village women. The type of research used is 4-D model development. The 4-D (Four D) development model is a learning device development model. The 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate:1) definition, namely carrying out a needs analysis and study to create a training module, 2) Design, namely creating a training module design "easy and practical learning to make solid soap from natural ingredients., 3) development, namely creating a training module that is easy to understand and fun. This method and model was chosen because it aims to produce a product in the form of training module media. Analysis of the feasibility of the natural cosmetics production training module was carried out based on expert judgment, namely language experts, media experts and material experts. The research results show 1) The definition stage has carried out preliminary final analysis, training participant analysis, and task analysis. 2) The design stage has produced a teaching module for training with the title "learning practically and easily to make soap from natural ingredients. 3) The development stage has carried out feasibility validation through expert assessors by paying attention to language aspects 98.7%, media aspects 99.3% and material aspects 96.9%. These three aspects show that the training module for easy and practical learning to make soap from natural ingredients is included in the very suitable category for use. 4) The distribution stage consists of several stages, but the packaging stage is in the form of packaging/module design that has been created.


HR development, training modules, village wom