Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Afriza Lestari, Linda Rosalina

Last modified: 2022-09-27


Aging is a natural process related to various degenerative processes, characterized by facial skin looking wrinkled or wrinkled, dry, rough and black patches, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to deal with aging. This study aims to find out how to make potato starch and Gambier masks, find out the feasibility of potato masks and Gambier in terms of laboratory tests, organoleptic tests and hedonic tests. This research uses an experimental method with a quantitative descriptive approach. In taking data, this study used primary data. Data retrieval techniques use obeservation and documentation. The data were analyzed using percentage formulas to see the feasibility of masks in terms of organoleptic tests and hedonic tests. The results of laboratory test studies are flavonoids contained in potato starch and Gambier masks, which are 0.023% of 100gr of mask samples. Based on the texture organoleptic test, the scent that has the highest score is a ratio of 30:70, the organoleptic adhesion test of the highest score is a ratio of 50:50 while for the hedonic test (liking test) that has the highest score is a ratio of 50:50. It is recommended for further research on potato starch and Gambier masks so that they can be further refined, especially for the addition of natural fragrances so that these masks are more comfortable to use.



feasibility, mask, potato starch, gambier, aging skincare