Conference Archives
The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Univesitas Negeri Padang
Jl. Prof. Hamka Air Tawar Kota Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia 25131
Padang, ID
September 28, 2022 – September 29, 2022
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The Fifth International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty, and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022 is dedicated to cover a broad spectrum of themes related to Increasing academic tourism quality through the “Tourism Strategic Innovation through Strengthening Education and Empowering Tourism Actors and Creative Industries”. Due to the central theme was raised due to the need for advanced and in-depth studies on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty, and Tourism and opportunities and challenges of their implementation in the tourism sector". When everyone is earnestly trying to respond to each of the recent crises, no one could step back and develop a clear plan for this industry's future and its academic matter as a whole. We were left with a patchwork to cope with the various immediate problems, but there are no long-term strategies. By only setting a benchmark for the industry and academics, it does not eradicate the issues. Therefore, we initiate this conference is to convey the message that we must be forward-thinking again and work together positively and aggressively to accelerate the crisis.