Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Lailan Mardiyah Nasution, Rahmiati Rahmiati

Last modified: 2022-11-07


Aloe vera (Aloe Vera) which belongs to the Liliaceae group has benefits for reducing dandruff. Hair tonic is used to accelerate hair growth in hair loss or normal.This study aims to analyze the feasibility of aloe vera leaves with a mixture of lemon and peppermint essential oils as hair hair tonics seen from laboratory tests, organoleptic and hedonic tests. This research is using experimental method.The object of this research is aloe vera leaf which is processed into hair tonic liquid. This type of data uses primary data with observation and documentation data sources. The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis technique. For the assessment of organoleptic and hedonic hair tonic tests, 7 panelists are needed. Based on laboratory test results, aloe vera leaf hair tonic contains 0.198% zinc which has a function to nourish hair. The results of the feasibility of aloe vera leaf as a hair hair tonic were seen from the results of the organoleptic test, the aroma (86%) was quite distinctive in the aroma of aloe vera leaf, the color (86%) was dark yellow, the homogeneity (57%) was homogeneous, the shape (57%) liquid form. The results of the hedonic test of the panelists' preference (43%) really like it and (43%) like it. For the results of the feasibility of aloe vera leaf as a hair hair tonic with a mixture of lemon essential oil seen from the results of the organoleptic test, the aroma (71%) has a distinctive lemon scent, the color (86%) is yellowish, the homogeneity (57%) is homogeneous, the shape is ( 57%) in liquid form. The results of the panelist's favorite hedonic test (57%) like it. For the results of the feasibility of aloe vera leaf as a hair hair tonic with a mixture of peppermint essential oil seen from the results of the organoleptic test, the aroma (57%) has a distinctive peppermint aroma, the color (71%) is yellowish, the homogeneity (43%) is homogeneous, the shape is (72%)  liquid form. The results of the hedonic test of the panelists' preference (43%) really like it and (43%) like it. It can be concluded that aloe vera leaves are said to be feasible because they contain zinc which can nourish hair.


feasibility, aloe vera leaf, hair tonic