Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Analysis of Sanitation and CHSE for Homestays in Cisaat Tourism Village in New Normal Era
Ruqoyyah Ruqoyyah, Prastiti Laras Nugraheni, Hamiyati Hamiyati

Last modified: 2022-09-24


This study aims to identify the implementation of homestay sanitation in the Cisaat tourist village as a way to improve tourist experience in the new normal era and to analyze the suitability of CHSE guidelines. This research was conducted in Cisaat Village, West Java. This research method used a descriptive qualitative approach with a survey method. Data sources were carried out by in-depth interviews of 8 homestay owners using interview guidelines along with an observation checklist sheet, as well as documentation of photos and voice recordings from informants directly. The results showed that the implementation of sanitation by the homestay owner had fulfilled the sanitation aspects of clean water, waste water, building space, food and drink management, bathrooms, and supervision of nuisance animals but it was still not appropriate for the aspect of waste management. Afterwards, the implementation of the CHSE guidelines at the homestay has not been implemented properly, namely the lack of hand washing facilities and health protocols. The implication that can be done is the existence of waste treatment, especially non-organic waste that needs to be improved by means of reduce, reuse, recycle and transport waste to Final Disposal Site in a scheduled and organized manner.


CHSE; homestay; sanitation; staycation; tourist village