Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Applying Theory of Flow Experience in Explaining Present Tourist Behavior
Yuke Permata Lisna, Alfi Husni Fansurya, Sulis Purwanto, Rahmi Fadilah

Last modified: 2022-09-28


Since its inception in 2020, Pandemic Covid 19 has caused a decline in the tourism industry. Therefore, tourism scholars and practitioners must redouble their efforts to bring the tourism industry back to its ideal point, resulting in multiple impacts that can become the foundation of economic growth in tourist destinations again. The critical step is to identify present tourist behaviour patterns. This study employs the Flow Experience theory to explain tourists' behaviour in this new normalcy period. Enjoyment, Perceive Full Control, and Clear Goal are examined as flow experience antecedent variables. At the same time, Social Sharing Experience serves as a consequent variable. Studies are undertaken in Indonesia because it is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations.

This study has employed purposive sample techniques with the criteria of Indonesian persons who had travelled for at least one year. Data was obtained with paid content distribution facilities on social media. Data analysis was conducted with a Varian-based SEM approach where the quality of the instrument is assessed with an outer model and hypothesis testing with an inner model. The analysis findings demonstrate that all hypotheses in this study are supported.



Flow experience tourist behaviour social sharing intention