Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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samuel martin pradana, siti isma sari lubis

Last modified: 2022-09-26


Skin is the outer layer covering the human body, which is the largest organ of all body
systems. The skin plays an important role in human life, among others, to regulate the
balance of water and electrolytes, regulate temperature, and function as protection
against the outside environment. The skin cannot perform its function properly when
this barrier is damaged due to various causes such as ulcers, wounds, trauma, or
neoplasms. Therefore, it is very important to restore its integrity as soon as possible.
One way that can be done to restore its integrity is by using a textile wound dressing
which is a treatment technique to help wound healing by avoiding and protecting the
wound from contamination and further injury. Synthesis of hydrogel made from alginate on textile wound dressings has been carried out with a gel formation method in the form of chemical cross linking using calcium chloride, which is evaluated on the qualitative content of organic compounds, absorption or swelling ratio, antibacterial properties, and moisture vapor resistance, with the hope that the higher the moist resistance value, will give the fast wound healing process. From the evaluation of hydrogel absorption, it was found that the use of alginate concentration 2% (w / v) and calcium chloride 5% (w / v) obtained the highest absorption value or swelling ratio of 4.6016 g H2O / g Na Alginate. The moisture resistance property of hydrogel is done by varying the thickness of the coating on the textile wound dressings. The results obtained with a coating with a thickness (1.026 ± 0.01) mm gave a Ret value of 1.3782 m2kPa / W, with the thicker coating applied to the thickness (5.022 ± 0.01) mm, the greater the Ret value is also 1.6859 m2kPa / W then, with the greater the thickness given, the greater the value of water vapor resistance given and the greater the moisture resistance value indicates the more humid conditions of the wound area, and the more humid conditions that can be applied to the wound area will provide faster wound healing properties as well.


Wound dressing, Hydrogel sodium alginate, wound healing