Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Whole Tilapia Fish Balls: Texture, Calcium and Phosphorus
Anni Faridah, Assya Shalita, Riski Gusri Utami

Last modified: 2022-09-26


Beef meatballs are one of the most consumed and well-liked meals in Indonesia. However, beef meatballs have a high saturated fat content and high cost. Tilapia can serve as a substitute for the primary protein source in meatballs. Nonetheless, tilapia has a low fillet yield of 25-30%, resulting in 65-80% waste (head, bones, scales, fins, tail, and skin). Whole tilapia fish balls have been processed to utilize fish waste high in calcium and phosphorus. Foods high in calcium and phosphorus are essential for women who are more likely to get osteoporosis after menopause and for women who are pregnant or nursing. However, whole tilapia fish balls have a low texture, so adding a gelling agent (carrageenan) is necessary. The production of whole tilapia fish balls with carrageenan addition has yet to be studied. This study examines the quality (sensory and nutritional) of whole tilapia fish balls with 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% carrageenan. This study had three Complete Randomized Designs (CRD). Panelists provided sensory data. ANOVA and Duncan's test were used to analyze sensory data. The nutritional content test was primarily performed to determine whole tilapia's calcium and phosphorus levels. The results showed that the higher the percentage of carrageenan in the meatballs, the better the texture. Therefore, it is recommended to use 5% carrageenan to make whole tilapia fish balls chewy and dense. The calcium and phosphorus content of 100 g of whole tilapia meatballs were 417.23 and 231.12 mg, respectively. This value is higher than in tilapia fillets. Nursing mothers can consume 300 grams of whole tilapia fish balls to meet 1300 mg of calcium/day and 700 mg of phosphorus/day, while postmenopausal women can consume 250 grams to meet calcium (1200 mg/day) and phosphorus (700 mg/day).


Meatballs, Whole tilapia fish balls, Tilapia, Calcium, Phosphorus, Fish balls texture