Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Standardization Of Meat Rendang Recipes At Solok District
Wiwik Gusnita, Rahmi Holinesti, Ranggi Rahimul Insan

Last modified: 2023-03-20


This study aims to produce a formulation of a good beef rendang recipe in the Solok District, West Sumatra. This type of research is qualitative research using the case study method. Sources of data were taken from people who are good at making beef rendang in the area consisting of Bundo Kanduang (traditional leaders) and UMKM entrepreneurs in the rendang field in the area. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation. The data analysis technique uses three activity lines, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Test the validity of the data, namely: extension of participation, diligent observation, and triangulation. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that the recipe formula for Rendang Meat includes the ingredients used, the number of ingredients, and how to make it. From this beef rendang recipe, the formula for the standard recipe for beef rendang has been converted


Standardization of meat rendang recipes, quality