Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 6th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2023

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Analysis Of Food Vlogger Promotion On Instagram Social Media At Marriott Cafe Hotel JW Marriott Medan
M Ridwan Hanafi, Lise Asnur

Last modified: 2023-10-09


This research was conducted because researchers observed that the promotions carried out by food vloggers on Instagram social media at the Marriott Cafe Hotel JW Marriott Medan were not effective. The main problem is that the promotions that are uploaded still receive little insight or interaction such as the number of viewers, likes, and shares of the promotion, as well as a lack of detail and enthusiasm in explaining the promotions reviewed by food vloggers. This research aims to analyze the reach of promotions, quantity of updates, and quality of messages made by food vloggers on social media Instagram Marriott Cafe Hotel JW Marriott Medan.

The type of research used was descriptive with a qualitative approach, by interviewing three (3) informants using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation., observation, documentation. The data is analyzed by reduction, namely summarizing, selecting, and focusing on important things and analyzing the data obtained with the problem being studied.

The results of this research show that the reach of promotions uploaded by 5 food vlogger accounts is still limited, with a small number of viewers, likes and shares of promotions compared to the total followers of food vloggers on Instagram and the quantity of updates by food vloggers is quite good, namely as many as 2-3 times uploaded the promotion for the Marriott Cafe Hotel JW Marriott Medan and the quality of the promotional message was good in terms of visual and audio, duration and quality of the video but it was still less interesting in conveying the message because the food vlogger did not use real voice or voice over, did not explain in detail and expressive in explaining promotions at the Marriott Cafe Hotel JW Marriott Medan.


Promotion, Food Vlogger, Instagram, Cafe