Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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sarah najwa, MERITA YANITA

Last modified: 2022-09-27


This research was conducted to see the effect of scotch tape and bold eyeshadow techniques on slanted eyes on evening makeup. There are still complaints from makeup artists in correcting slanted eyes, students rarely use scotch tape in shaping the eyelids. This type of research uses a pre-experimental research method using a one shoot case study. The research population is Padang State University students aged 17-25 years with a research sample of 6 people who have slanted eyes consisting of 3 people with scotch tape and 3 people with eyeshadow bold techniques. The data collection technique in this study used observation, documentation and research instruments in the form of a guide to observing the effect of using scotch tape and eyeshadow bold techniques on slanted eyes on night makeup. The data analysis technique in this study consists of a prerequisite analysis test consisting of a normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing. Obtaining the results of the study of the effect of using scotch tape and bold eyeshadow techniques on slanted eyes on night makeup is known in the application using Scotch Tape from the aspect of eye shape to get an average of 66.66% in the ideal category, the eye size aspect gets an average of 61.90% of the large category and the aspect of the eyelid crease obtained an average of 66.66% of the highly visible category. In the application of the Eyeshadow Bold technique from the eye shape aspect, it obtained an average of 52.38% in the less than ideal category, the eye size aspect obtained an average of 47.61% in the less large category and the eyelid crease aspect obtained an average of 47.61% in the category seen. There is an effect of eye shape using scotch tape and eyeshadow technique with p=0.530 (p>0.05). There is an effect of eye size using scotch tape and eyeshadow technique with p value = 0.127 (p> 0.05). There is an effect of eyelid crease using scotch tape and eyeshadow technique with p=0.018 (p>0.05). As for the suggestions that the researchers gave regarding the results of this study, the first to the Department of Make-up and Beauty the results of this study can be used as a reference for teaching materials about the use of scotch tape and bold eyeshadow techniques on slanted eyes against night makeup. For the general public to use the results of this research as additional information and education about the correct use of scotch tape and eyeshadow bold techniques.