Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Feasibility Of False Lashes From Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) Fiber For Cosmetic
Maya Sari

Last modified: 2022-08-15


False eyelashes from natural plant fibers are a new alternative in making false eyelashes because easy raw materials are renewable natural resources so they are easy to obtain, besides false eyelashes from natural fibers also have other advantages such as environmentally friendly, affordable prices. , and is biodegradable. One of the plants that can produce fiber is citronella. This study aims to compare the quality of false eyelashes from human hair with the quality of false eyelashes from citronella fiber seen from laboratory tests (fineness and strength), organoleptic tests, hedonic tests, t tests and gain score tests. This type of research is experimental, namely quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental). The variables in this study are the independent variable (x) and the dependent variable (y). the type of research data in the form of primary data sourced from observation, documentation and questionnaires. This study used a questionnaire/questionnaire instrument. Procedures in analyzing data are descriptive analysis techniques and analytical methods. In organoleptic and hedonic testing of false eyelashes, the required panelists are 9 people, namely 2 (two) from the eyelash industry, 2 (two) from makeup and beauty lecturers, 5 (five) students from makeup and beauty students. The results of this study are citronella fiber false eyelashes based on laboratory tests have a fairly smooth texture characteristic of 22.04 tex, have a very strong tensile strength of 26.65 g/tex and a very high elasticity of 1,000%. and based on the results of the organoleptic test, the average score of the panelists was 4.2 or as many as 84% ​​of the panelists in the tapering category, the average score of the lightness panelists was 4.2 or as many as 84% ​​of the panelists in the mild category, and the average score of the panelists tidiness of 4.4 or as much as 88% in the neat category. For the hedonic test, the average score of the panelists was 4.2 or as much as 84% ​​in the like category. Through the t test, it was found that there was a significant difference between false eyelashes from real human hair and false eyelashes from citronella fiber with a difference in the average value or average Gain score of 0.391 in the medium category. It is recommended that the results of this study can be used as a reference for knowledge in courses related to the manufacture of false eyelashes from natural ingredients of citronella fiber.


Feasibility, False Eyelashes, Citronella Fiber