Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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The Feasibility Of Gambier Leaf Tea With The Addition Of Red Ginger As An Anti-Aging Functional Drink
fidela marsha

Last modified: 2022-08-29


Free radicals can cause various diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cataracts and premature aging. So humans body needs antioxidants. Antioxidants can be obtained from plant parts, fruits, and vegetables. Gambier leaves contain catechins which are flavonoid compounds that can be useful as antioxidants. Ginger contains is Vitamin A, B6, and C which can also be useful as antioxidants. In addition, ginger is also good for adding aroma and taste to drinks. The method in this research is an experiment with quantitative analysis. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of gambier leaf tea with the addition of red ginger as an anti-aging functional drink in terms of antioxidant activity (laboratory test), aroma, color, and taste (organoleptic test), and panelists' preference level test (hedonic test)

This type of research is an experimental quantitative analysis. The independent variables are gambier leaf tea and red ginger. The dependent variable are the content contained in gambier leaf tea and red ginger and organoleptic properties include aroma, color, taste, and panelist preferences. The data collection technique of this research are observation and documentation.

The formulation used in this study is gambier leaf with red ginger 2.5:1 (X1), 2.5:1.5 (X2), and 2.5:2 (X3). The results of this study showed that the best formulation is 2.5:2 (X3). With a distinctive ginger aroma, warm taste, dark brown color, and favored by panelists. With antioxidant activity of 2354,8155 ppm and classified as a very weak antioxidant. To get maximum anti-aging results, it is important to consume this drink regularly. Thus, gambier leaf tea with the addition of red ginger is suitable for use as an anti-aging functional drink


anti aging, skin, gambier leaf, ginger, functional drink, tea.