Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Dessy Dwi Nisa, Yuliana Yuliana

Last modified: 2022-09-12


This research was motivated by the low performance of employees (23.3%) and the low work discipline obtained from the management of the Parkside Gayo Petro Takengon Hotel. This study purpose was to analyze the work discipline effect on performance of employee at Hotel Parkside Gayo Petro Takengon. This research type was quantitative research used a approach was causal associative. The research location at Hotel Parkside Gayo Petro Takengon was conducted in March – June 2022. The variables used in this study were work discipline as the variable in independent and performance of employee as the variable in dependent. The population in this study were all employees of the Parkside Gayo Petro Takengon Hotel, amounting to 57 respondents who were taken with the saturated sample technique. The data used in this study are primary data (employee work discipline) and secondary data (employee performance). research data collection used a questionnaire using a scale of Likert that for validity and reliability tested.

The hypothesis analysis result requirements test shown that the data are classified as normal, homogeneous and linear. The results showed that most of the respondents considered work discipline to be in the category was good (63%) while the employee's performance was also included in category was good (54%). The simple linear regression test results obtained R square value of 0.003 <0.05. This shows that work of discipline has a effect was significant on performance of employee by 15.3% while 84.7% is influenced by other factors. In addition, the coefficient of regression value (b) is 0.587 with a constant value (a) is 38.710. This means that every increase in one unit of work discipline will increase by 0.587 performance of employee at the Parkside Gayo Petro Takengon Hotel.


work discipline, employee performance