Open Conference System of FPP UNP, The 5th International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2022

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Analysis of the Needs of Popular Book of Gala Bun into the Subject of Bun Arrangement
Sri Irta Widjajanti

Last modified: 2022-09-27


The purpose  of this  research is in  order  to  analyze  the  needs  of   popular  book  as  the supporting  book  of  study  resource, for the  student  (in  general)  or  university   or  academy  student  in  the  major  of “Bun Arrangement”. Popular books circulating in general do not present techniques or models of bun arrangement with the latest trends (favored by the public). The research subjects are students or students who use books as a companion for learning resources. Data analysis was obtained through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The  result  of  research  is Student  or    university  or  academy student who needs the popular book of Sanggul Gala which presents the stages of making a bun in detail with complete documentation and easy-to-understand explanations. So that students or students when reading the book can understand and be a guide for practicing. The book should also contain theory or material related to the gala bun, basic techniques for making the bun, current techniques that are in vogue, so that the book can be a reference for students or students to practice and a reference for writing articles (course assignments). The size of the book should not be too big, the quality of the book is good, the content is interesting and can be presented in the form of an e-book.


popular book, gala bun, bun arrangement